Monday, June 30, 2014

How to Prevent Bullying Among Teens

Bullying is a common problem at home and at school among teenagers.

Many victims are severely affected, that it caused suicides among victims who did not know what to do, while others either become bullies themselves, or be affected emotionally and psychologically. Here's the most needed guidance by parents and teachers in school, to help them cope with the situation.

Teenage years is considered the most fragile phase in a young person's life. It is when the child needs closest attention from parents. It is the most turbulent phase, that unguided children who are confused tend to find outlets either by being bullies or be submissive to it, allowing their peers to victimize him or her.

Psychologists say that teens who deviate from normal behaviors could have some problems that need close supervision by parents and teachers in school. The most common cause of his problems involves his family; when his family is always troubled, parents who always quarrel, cuss words flying here and there, so the child is bombarded with negative thoughts, making him or her more confused.

The concrete solution is correct parenting. A happy family will produce happy and contented children. Parents must show their children that they are loved, that every sibling in the family is treated equally. That when parents impose discipline, it is but part of learning process to guide children through the right path of life, to make them good adults in the future, not just to punish or insult them.

At school, teachers must be observant. If they hear teens throwing hurting words or labels against another teen, they should be alarmed. It must be corrected at once. If they see a teenage always alone, sad, and do not interact with others, then there is something possibly wrong with that child.

Schools must encourage activities that will promote interaction among teens. It can be in form of workshops, group activities, or games where they could freely express their feelings, their doubts, and problems both at home and at school. It can iron out differences, and make them understand each other. They need to freely open up their feelings, to release whatever negative thoughts are bothering them, and gain self confidence.

Each teenager should realize that every one of them is very important, that they are loved no matter how they look physically or mentally, that each person has a right that everyone has to respect. That nobody needs to be a bully to gain fame and recognition, but by being a good individual, everyone will admire and love him, and nobody should allow themselves to be a victim of bullying because no one has the right to degrade or insult your personality.

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